Ultraskin HIFU

HIFU Treatment in

HIFU stands for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. HIFU treatment is known as an effective aesthetic procedure in Singapore to prevent early signs of aging. As we age, our skin starts to produce less elastin and collagen, resulting in wrinkles and saggy skin. By using ultrasound waves to generate a thermal effect under our skin, HIFU treatment can stimulate the production of collagen to lift your skin for a firmer, youthful appearance.

Why is HIFU so popular?

Unlike plastic surgery which involves physical incision, HIFU is a non-surgical approach that uses micro-focused ultrasound energy to achieve skin tightening. The precise depth penetration of ultrasound energy allows for the stimulation of deep structural support layers of the skin, including the SMAS layer—a layer that is also targeted during surgical facelifts. When this layer is tightened with ultrasound energy devices, skin firming results are more visible and effective. HIFU has proven to be a reliable and safe alternative to those who desire skin tightening without having to go under the knife.

What is the ultra lifting?

Ultrasound enegry stimulates the SMAS Layer and deep dermis area without any skin damages.

The SMAS layer contracted by Ultrasound appears to be a immadiate face lifting effect and stimulated dermis promotes the regeneration of elastic fibers.

What is SMAS Layer?

Located between subcutaneonus fat and muscle (4.5mm beneath the fascia). SMAS stand for Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System, it is a term frequently used to describle face lift techniques. When skin is getting old, SMAS layer becomes weakened and stretched by gravity and it causes the wrinkles.

Who is HIFU suitable for?

HIFU is a well-known non-surgical procedure in Singapore that provides natural looking results for patients who notice early signs of aging such as laxity, the appearance of jowls and under-chin heaviness.

Droopy Skin

Double chin

Dull Skin

Aging Skin with Crow's Feet, Early wrinkles or Laugh Lines

Descent of Cheek Fat Pads with Appearance of Jowls

People who wish to have more defined jawline or chin

What areas can be treated by HIFU?


Forehead wrinkles and frown lines can appear on your face due to overactivity and repetitive raising of the eyebrow. These lines can develop into permanent static lines over time.

Nasolabial folds (Smile Lines)

Forehead wrinkles and frown lines can appear on your face due to overactivity and repetitive raising of the eyebrow. These lines can develop into permanent static lines over time.

Eyebrows and eyelids

Nasolabial folds are natural features of a human face. The nasolabial folds can appear deeper with age due to the resorption of facial bone mass, droopy skin, loss of collagen, as well as the descent of facial fat pads.

Jawline and jowls

Jawline sagging happens due to loss of collagen and worsening jowls (excess skin folds and heaviness on both sides of the lower face).

Cheeks and sagging skin

There are many fat pads under our cheeks. When one starts to age, some of the fat pads will droop, causing our cheeks to look droopy.

Neck and neck lines

Sun damage, aging, lack of care and moisture can cause the skin of our necks to be direr, thinner, and less elastic.

How does HIFU work?

Energy waves can be specifically calibrated to direct at different layers of the skin in uniform dots to treat the exact areas of your face or neck and to achieve a range of different results.

Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System (SMAS) Layer – 4.5mm

HIFU is applied on the SMAS layer at around 60 – 70°C to achieve effective skin tightening and lifting effects.

Deep Dermis Layer – 3mm

HIFU stimulates stem cells by heating the skin tissues in the deep dermis layer, effectively allowing for collagen regeneration and the elimination of wrinkles.

Superficial Dermis Layer – 1.5mm

HIFU helps to lighten pigmentation and brighten your skin by reducing the amount of melanin, resulting in smaller pores and improved skin texture.

Ultraskin II HIFU

by The Ogee Clinic

At the Ogee Clinic, we employ the Ultraskin II, a newer generation of Korean HIFU approved by KFDA (Korea), Health Sciences Authority (HSA) (Singapore), and CE (Europe).

Ultraskin II stimulates the production of collagen deep within the skin to help lift tissues, resulting in tighter skin after 4-6 weeks and continued improvement for up to 6 months.

What happens during HIFU Treatment?

Before HIFU Treatment

While most patients find the HIFU procedure very tolerable, you may be given pre-medication or anaesthetic cream prior to the treatment. Thereafter, a layer of gel will be applied to your skin for the transmission of ultrasound waves.

During HIFU Treatment

The HIFU device will deliver short pulses of ultrasound energy on your skin at specific depths of 1.5mm, 3.0mm, and 4.5mm, causing an immediate collagen contraction followed by collagen regeneration. Discomfort is minimal, although you may experience a slight prickling sensation during the treatment.

After HIFU Treatment

Expect little to no downtime after a HIFU treatment session. You may experience a mild tingling or swelling sensation, but these symptoms are usually temporary in naute. To optimize long-term tightening results, you may be given post-procedure care instructions.

How HIFU Treatment is done in Singapore

During your consultation, Dr. Heng will perform a detailed examination of your skin’s condition to help you better understand which areas can be targeted with a customised HIFU treatment plan. Generally, all areas of the face that experience saggy skin can be treated with HIFU. These include the lower face, mid face, cheeks, temples, forehead and even the areas around the eyes.

Benefits of HIFU Treatment

Skin Tightening

For Face and Neck

Sharper and a more V-Shaped

Face and Contouring

Reduction of Pore Size, Fine Lines and Wrinkles

with Enhanced Skin Tone

‘Melts’ Double Chin

Accelerates skin’s natural healing process with increased collagen production




How often do I need to do HIFU?

Most patients will require one well-performed HIFU treatment done every 9-12 months. After the treatment, you can expect the lifting and toning effect to be visible after 4-6weeks. These desired results with increase collagen production will usually last for around 9 to 12 months.

If you suffer from more skin laxity, you may need 2 treatments spaced 6 months apart. The wait interval of 6 months is recommended as the collagen re-modelling process takes time.

Cost of HIFU Treatment in Singapore

The cost of a HIFU treatment in Singapore will depend on the brand of the HIFU machine, the doctor’s experience and the treatment areas involved.

From $600-$3000

Cost of HIFU Treatment

60-90 mins

Time Per Session

12-18 months


1-2 Sessions

No of Sessions

Rediscover your supple, youthful skin

Why choose Ultraskin HIFU over other aesthetic treatments?

Ultraskin HIFU vs Ultherapy

Back in 2012, Ultherapy was known as the first FDA approved ultrasound technology for skin lifting. Subsequently, the introduction of new HIFU technology such as Ultraskin HIFU allowed for more handpieces for specialised treatment in targeted regions

Clinical studies have also revealed that Ultraskin HIFU is less painful and more comfortable than Ultherapy, despite both treatments producing similar firming results.

Ultraskin HIFU vs Thread Lift

Face thread lifts are typically known for treating saggy tissues, where they involve the placement of threads into the skin layer to tighten and lift tissues, with long term stimulation of collagen. Popular types of face thread lifts include the Korean PDO (polydiaxanone) thread lifts and the Silhouette Soft (poly-L-lactic acid) thread lifts.

However, although the results of thread lifts are immediately visible, bruising will appear and rare complications such dimpling or thread protrusion may occur if done by an inexperienced doctor. Furthermore, thread lifts involve injections for numbing purposes. In contrast, Ultraskin HIFU can be considered as a more safe and effective treatment since it requires no injections and does not result in any bruising.

Ultraskin HIFU vs Thermage

Thermage uses radiofrequency energy to treat superficial skin problems such as enlarged pores, fine lines and wrinkles, by delivering heat to the deep dermis. Known as “bulk heating”, this method involves heat being applied to the surface of the skin and diffusing top-down to its deeper layers, triggering a series of responses that result in collagen contraction and regeneration.

However, Thermage involves a risk of overheating the epidermis due to its technology and heat mechanism. In some cases, Thermage procedures have even resulted in post-inflammation hyperpigmentation (PIH) and burns, when it had been applied too strongly.

HIFU, on the other hand, uses ultrasound technology, which accumulates heat energy at specific depths without overheating the epidermis. HIFU is therefore a more suitable treatment option to deal with jowls, double chin issues and those looking to achieve a slimmer, more V-shaped face as compared to Thermage. Newer HIFU technology such as Ultraskin II can also reach superficial depths of 1.5mm, smoothening out fine lines and wrinkles on the surface of the skin.

Combining HIFU Treatment with other aesthetic treatments

Combination treatments are commonly done to achieve optimum skin lifting effects with Ultraskin II HIFU. Always remember to discuss all treatment options with your doctor to find the most appropriate approach for the best skin lifting results.

Chin / Facial Fillers

4D Fotona Laser Face Lift

Botox for Jaw Slimming

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

HIFU can be done on areas where skin tightening and collagen remodelling is desired.
Skin tightening for specific body regions can be achieved through HIFU. These include:

  • Base of neck to upper chest area Decolletage area
  • Abdominal skin tightening
  • Mild abdominal contouring

There may be slight redness for up to an hour or so following the treatment, and a small percentage of patients may have slight swelling, tingling, or tenderness to touch, but these are mild and temporary in nature, resolving over 1-2 days.

HIFU is a non-invasive and targeted process where you will only receive HIFU treatment for the specific areas required. Some discomfort felt may be experienced when the treatment is done on bony areas such as jawline.

As a HSA-approved type of therapeutic ultrasound energy, Ultraskin HIFU is very safe. Therapeutic ultrasound as a medical intervention has been extensively studied in the field of medicine for many decades. Besides facial aesthetics, it has its applications in the field of urology, surgery, and physiotherapy. The track record as a reliable and safe therapeutic tool is evident.

You should avoid excessive sun exposure and refrain from using any skincare products for a week.

A good HIFU candidate has mild to moderate skin laxity, where the skin starts to look less firm, develop fine lines, and other early signs of aging. HIFU reultd in a natural, gradual lifting effect, not a drastic change like in plastic surgery. Therefore, patients who are not yet ready for surgery, Ultraskin II is a great alternative treatment, or for those looking to extend the effects of previous plastic surgery.

Ultraskin II is a non-invasive treatment. It Is effective and safe when done by experienced professionals who have the proper training and experience.

You can immediately resume your usual daily routine and activities. This is essentially a no-downtime procedure, with no lasting discomfort

HIFU cannot replace face lift surgery. The ideal candidate for HIFU is one who has mild to moderate skin laxity and sagginess, without overt excess skin. HIFU treatments are used to delay the need for face lift surgery, or maintain the result after face lift surgery.

Yes! The primary aim of Ultraskin II HIFU is to achieve skin tightening and lifting, and while improving face shape and under-chin heaviness. Procedures that target other structures of the face to achieve skin lifting and improved face shape can be combined together with Ultraskin II HIFU.

Learn more about HIFU Treatment